Monday, June 05, 2006

Day 12

Adult Menu
  • grilled chicken skewers (Buddy's raw chicken breast tenders marinated in Italian dressing and threaded on wooden skewers before grilling)
  • a cold salad of red potatoes, marinated artichoke hearts, fresh mozzarella and tomatoes with a chiffonade of fresh basil
  • Multigrain Tostitos tortilla chips (I just discovered these and LOVE them -- so much tastier than the regular ones, and no trans fats!)
Makes a rare appearance as he's allergic to poultry (I know, weird) and had leftover steak instead.

Girl Child
Also had some leftover steak because she loves it now, along with a chicken skewer and some chips. She didn't want the potato salad so she had leftover green salad instead.

Boy Child
Said he wanted to try the steak, but I don't think he actually touched the piece we gave him. Otherwise he ate the same stuff as the girl child (chicken, chips and leftover green salad).

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