Friday, July 28, 2006

Day 65

Adult Menu
  • grilled ham steaks
  • whole-grain tortilla chips
  • a huge-ass salad with homegrown tomatoes
Girl Child
Ate everything!

Boy Child

My dad has had a bonanza crop of tomatoes in his garden this year and has kept me supplied all summer long with teeny, sweet cherry tomatoes and luscious hamburger-sized monsters that have never seen the inside of a refrigerator. Soooo yummy, y'all. This is why I can never move too far away from my parents! What else am I going to do with all this sea salt?!

1 comment:

BabelBabe said...

oh god, i ADORE homegrown tomatoes. I slice 'em up and eat on crackers with a slice of good sharp cheese underneath, and sprinkle of salt on top. Heaven on a plate.